By Jackie on Monday, 06 April 2020
Category: Home

The Best Advice for Coloring Your Hair at Home

 As all of us take on more and more tasks we typically rely on salon professionals for it can seem a bit overwhelming. This is especially true when it comes to coloring your own hair.

Although it may be true that it is almost impossible to recreate what a professional colorist can do to a head of hair, you can certainly improve the results of an at-home dye job. How? Just arm yourself with a bit of knowledge before you take on the task. To that end, here are some of the best tidbits of advice we have heard to date on coloring your hair at home.

Don't Be Fooled by the Box Cover Shot
It is very tempting to just look at the enticing box cover photos in the store and pick your next hair color based on some beautiful model. The reality is that the side panel will tell you what your hair will really look like based on your current hair color.

Be Realistic
Don't try to make a drastic change yourself. Celebrities may seem to go from brunette to platinum in a minute, but drastic changes like that are complicated and require multiple steps. Any big color change is always best left in the hands of a specialist!

Be Conservative
The best way to dye your hair at home is to choose a color that is only one or two shades lighter or darker than your current color. If you choose to go darker than your current color, just be aware that choosing a too-dark color is hard to reverse and may require a trip to the salon to fix. Alternatively, choosing a too-light color may result in brassiness, requiring intervention by a salon professional as well. Also be aware…your color result will usually end up being darker than what is pictured on the box, so opt for a color that is a bit lighter than what you really want.

Consider Your Eye Color
Often overlooked, your eye color can really help to determine whether to go with a warm (think golden) or cool (think icy) hair color tone:

Cool-Toned/ "Icy" Eye Colors
If your eyes are a cooler-toned blue, green, gray or dark brown/blackish color, your best bet is to go with cool-toned hair color shades. What does that mean? If you are looking for a shade of blonde, go for an icy, silver or platinum hue. If you are looking for a great brunette color, consider cool, icy brown tones or dark chocolate.

Warm-Toned/ "Golden" Eye Colors
Are your eyes golden brown or warm hazel? Chances are you would look best in warm-toned hair color shades such as golden brown, light chocolate, caramel and honey/yellow blonde. These gorgeous warm tones will really bring out the warmth in your eyes. Conversely, you may want to avoid any distinct cool tones such as icy blonde, platinum blonde, icy brown or greyish shades.

Know Your Formulas
If you are looking for just a slight darkening of color (or to blend in grays), try a demi-permanent color before moving to a permanent color formula. Demi-permanent formulas have a low level of peroxide (but no ammonia to lighten/lift color), and will normally slowly fade in a month or so depending on your hair type and how frequently you wash your hair. In total, a demi-permanent color can last up to twenty-four shampoos.

If you have never colored your hair before, you may also want to consider a semi-permanent formula. These have no ammonia or peroxide and will just change the overall tone of your hair more than the color. The best part about using a semi-permanent formula is that it is a low risk DIY option— the color will slowly fade in about six to twelve shampoos.

That all said, if you are more than 50% gray, a permanent color is still your best option for 100% gray coverage. ​

Start with 2nd Day or 3rd Day Hair
It is always best not to color freshly washed hair. Why? Your natural scalp oils will help prevent any scalp irritation. 

Do a Strand Test
Despite the fact that many people skip this step, it is always best to try the new color on a few underneath strands before you color your whole head. As the old saying goes, "it is better to be safe than sorry."

Guard Against Stains
As they do in a salon, protect the skin around your front hairline and on the nape of your neck from stains by applying a tiny bit of Vaseline on the skin.

Wear the Right Clothing
Make sure to wear an old robe or button-down shirt that you don't mind getting stains on. If you can, avoid wearing anything that needs to be pulled over your head— it just creates an unnecessary mess!

Do Your Prep Work
Make sure to read all instructions carefully and understand what you are doing before you get started. Also, have everything you will need right in front of you to make the process go smoothly, including your phone (or other timer), gloves, and a small mirror to check to make sure you have adequately covered the back of your head. 

Act Like a Professional
The bottle may have a simple applicator, but it is still hard to evenly distribute the color. Instead, check online or your local beauty supply store for a color brush and bowl like the pros use. The added effort (and expense) is worth it.

Work in Sections
Pin hair into four sections by parting your hair down the middle and then across your head from ear to ear. Secure each section with a clip. As you begin to work on a section, use a comb to separate the hair. When done with a section, just pin it out of the way and move on to the next section. This will ensure you will get even coverage and completely cover all of your roots.

Begin in the Front
As most box instructions will tell you, start to apply color to the front of your head first, especially if you are attempting to cover gray.

Distribute Color
Even if your roots are what you want to focus on, distribute color to the rest of your hair at the very end of your processing time
(depending on the box instructions). This will avoid an obvious color line. 

Use the Right Shampoo
Make sure to use a shampoo that is color-safe. After your hard work, the last thing you want is your shampoo to quicken color fading! In addition, avoid shampooing your hair for a few days after you color-treat your hair to help the hair retain the color better. 

Condition, Condition,Condition
To keep your hair healthy, condition your hair regularly after it is color-treated, especially if you use a permanent color (since it is the hardest on the hair). In addition to a rinse-out conditioner, also use a deep conditioning mask every couple of weeks to keep your hair in great shape!

Lastly, try to remember that in the end there is something inherently rewarding about learning a new task, even if you end up with a less than perfect result the first time you have a go at it!  

Good luck to you!