Homemade Treatments for Dandruff and Thinning Hair

Homemade Treatments for Dandruff and Thinning Hair
Both dandruff and thinning hair can be upsetting and embarrassing. However, you can take control of these issues on your own with all-natural homemade treatments. 

To tackle dandruff, the folks at Hello Glow have a simple homemade dandruff shampoo that includes tea tree oil, which is anti-microbial and anti-bacterial. Just mix all below ingredients in a bottle and shake before each application: 
1/4 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup liquid castile soap
1/2 cup vegetable glycerin
2 teaspoons almond, grapeseed or jojoba oil
10 drops melaleuca or tea tree oil

If your hair is thinning, try this homemade mask courtesy of Hello Glow. The key ingredient here is coconut milk, which has proteins and essential fats to boost hair growth. Just combine the coconut oil with a bit of olive oil, as detailed below, then massage into your scalp and the full lengths of your hair. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and shampoo. Note--wear a shower cap to allow heat to help with deeper penetration.
1/2 cup coconut milk
3 teaspoons olive oil
hot water as needed

Also check out Hello Glow’s Mint Spray to boost hair growth here.
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